Nutritional Therapy: Benefits of the Myers’ Cocktail

The Myers' Cocktail uses many nutrients found in vegetables.
At the Get Well Center, we provide a variety of personalized wellness plans designed to help you live a happier, healthier lifestyle and fight fatigue, infection, and chronic illnesses. One alternative medication solution is the Myers cocktail. This intravenous therapy regimen is filled with important vitamins and minerals, many of which are found in healthy fruits and vegetables. Together, these supplements have a variety of benefits. The Myers Cocktail has some key ingredients listed here:

Calcium-- strengthens your bones and decreases the risk of osteoporosis, a disease that is more common with older age. It also decreases blood pressure, among other things. 

Magnesium--stabilizes mood by calming overactive brain activity, decreasing anxiety and insomnia symptoms. It also contributes to bone health by increasing the absorption of calcium. 

Vitamin B-- Vitamin B is essential for healthy living. It gives us energy and improves mental health. It aids in the creation of serotonin, which helps improve feelings of calmness. Vitamin B is often depleted in women, so it is an essential nutrient.

Vitamin C--  fights against stress by decreasing cortisol levels and lowering blood pressure. In addition to heart health, it also plays a major role in skin health, forming collagen. It helps fight against sickness and increase immunity. 

We believe it’s important to take into account mental, physical, and emotional health. That’s why we offer more holistic approaches and alternative medicines. Call us at (419) 524-2676 or visit us in Mansfield, Ohio, to find out if this nutritional therapy option is right for you. 


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